Glimpses from the OCA Gulf Get-together on 2nd December, 2023 which saw SCS Alums from the Gulf region (Middle East: UAE, Saudi Arabia, amongst others) coming together in Dubai, UAE.
* The 2nd December 2023 OCA Gulf get-together was kindly hosted by Amar Preet Singh Sohal (SCS 1994 Batch) and his better half, Nipun Kapur Sohal.
#StColumbasSchool #SCS #GreenAndGold #OCAGulf #OCAwesome #OCA More images..
Splendid Sunday with OCA in Canada playing a marvellous 18 holes at Hidden Lake Golf Club. Massive shout out to Arjun for organizing and structuring a proper tournament. Hoping to see more folks and playing tons more golf with everyone next time. OCA Hangouts needs to go live immediately, like yesterday...